Assist Your
Increase Chances
Of Conception.
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Where you are now:
....You may have been trying to conceive for many months or even years.
....You may have had many medical investigations, and perhaps you have been advised that there is nothing medical or physiological that is affecting your fertility, which leaves you feeling a little lost .
....Perhaps you are looking into, or perhaps starting InVitro Fertilisation intervention, or maybe you have already had one, or more, rounds of IVF or ISCI.
....Perhaps you are in a single sex couple, or undertaking the journey to parenthood alone.
What you need help with:
....To have a safe place to offload and explore the feelings that come with difficulty conceiving including anger, guilt, frustration and desperation, without judgement.
....To understand that these feelings were not present at your birth, that they have developed and embedded over time, perhaps due to a specific event, perhaps due to a number of events/experiences in your lifetime.
....To experience that there is a strong mind-body connection and that the body cannot be relaxed and anxious/stressed at the same time.
....Using the skills of the therapist you will be able to explore your subconscious to identify any blocks and re-evaluate these and create now more positive pathways to enable you to free yourself of the anxiety and associated physical symptoms related to difficulty with conception.
How Will This Package Help You?
....During the taster session we will have answered any questions or worries you have about hypnosis and you will know what to expect during treatment sessions. We will have explained how the conscious and subconscious minds differ and how, by accessing the subconscious, we can unlock subconscious blockers which will enable you to go ahead in your life without them standing in your way.
..... The "Assist Your Fertility & Increase Your Chances of Conception" package will start with an in depth consultation to establish where you are now as a baseline, what treatment (if any) you have recieved/are recieving. You will also get some tips for immediate use to better manage anxiety/stress.
..... Each session would be 60 minutes and this would include a feedback from you on how things have been and would include a hypnotherapy session tailored to your needs according to your progress.
..... Initially we would look to build your resources to enable you to be well equipped to engage in the therapeutic work, and then undertake targeted work using a range of therapeutic tools to assist you to alter distorted though patterns, challenge your perspectives and re-establish new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. Any identified subconscious blocks will be felt with and your body and mind left in a condition more conducive to conception.
Knowing that you are actively doing something to better your chances of conceiving, wether naturally or with assisted conception, will leave you feeling empowered.