Come to Terms with
Bereavement, Loss, Grief
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Where you are now:
....You are experiencing the effects of a loss, in whatever form that has happened, maybe the death of a loved one, a miscarriage, loss of a beloved pet, loss of a cherished career, diagnosis of a terminal illness, divorce or children leaving home, or perhaps something else.
....The way in which you are affected by your grief could be felt in a number of ways including anger, overwhelming sadness, unexplained anxiety and hopelessness. You may find that you are unable to shake off these feelings and find yourself concerned that you will not come out the other side of this darkness.
....You may have already approached other professionals for help including your GP or a bereavement counsellor, but feel little difference.
....Perhaps nighttimes are particularly bad, affecting your sleep and having a knock on effect on your ability to cope with life.
What you need help with:
....To understand that these feelings are a natural and normal reaction to grief, even the anger, and even if it is directed at the person you have lost.
....To experience that there is a strong mind-body connection and that the body cannot be relaxed and anxious at the same time. This can help with sleep which is an essential element of the healing process.
....Permission to feel sad and assistance to manage this sadness by having someone to talk to in a safe, non-judgemental environment.
....To be able to avoid overuse of unhelpful avoidance strategies for example numbing the pain with alcohol and drugs. To be able to have the support to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet.
....Using the skills of the therapist you will be able to explore your subconscious to identify these triggers and re-evaluate these and create now more positive pathways to enable you to free yourself of the anxiety and associate physical symptoms.
How Will This Package Help You?
....During the taster session we will have answered any questions or worries you have about hypnosis and you will know what to expect during treatment sessions. We will have explained how the conscious and subconscious minds differ and how, by accessing the subconscious, we can unlock subconscious blockers which will enable you to go ahead in your life without them standing in your way.
..... The "Come To Terms With Bereavement, Loss, Grief & Separation" package will start with an in depth consultation to establish where you are now as a baseline, and what would be a successful outcome of where you want to be. A chance to begin to share and offload some of the feelings associated with your grief.
..... Each session would be 60 minutes and this would include a feedback from you on how things have been and would include a hypnotherapy session tailored to your needs according to your progress.
..... Initially we would look to build your resources to enable you to find some space to grieve without it becoming un-bearingly overwhelming. We would look to build in some time for your healing and being able to be kind to yourself and treat yourself with compassion whilst you are going through the grieving process. You will engage in the therapeutic work, to enable you to find and hold on to positive memories and be able to enjoy them without them dragging you back into a painful grief reaction.
The healing feeling of the grief lifting and leaving behind replaced feelings of calm and love will leave you feeling like you can look back with fondness of times past and continue to move on to times ahead without fear.