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Quit Your Habits

or Addictions


Get Your

Life Back

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Where you are now:

.... What started off as something you enjoyed is now causing you anxiety/stress as now it has a hold over you, it controls your thoughts, behaviours and how you go about your life, and you've decided it is time to stop.


....It could be cigarettes, vaping, cannabis or something else, but you've decided the time  has come to quit and get your life back.


....Maybe you've already tried a number of things to stop, but been unsuccessful, most likely because you have been relying on will power on some level.


....Perhaps it is now affecting your relationships, your finances or your health, or you are concerned that it soon will.

What you need help with:

....To understand that what thoughts and feelings keep you doing the thing you want to stop doing, this could be fears about stopping, or subconscious reasons for continuing.


....To identify when/where this addiction/habit started and why.  Identify what this habit/addiction does for you - what are the positive aspects and how else could you have these positive feelings?


.....To experience that there is a strong mind-body connection and that the body cannot be relaxed and anxious at the same time. 


....Using the skills of the therapist you will be able to explore your subconscious to identify these triggers and re-evaluate these and create now more positive pathways to enable you to free yourself of the anxiety and associate physical symptoms.

How Will This Package Help You?

....During the taster session we will have answered any questions or worries you have about hypnosis and you will know what to expect during treatment sessions.   We will have explained how the conscious and subconscious minds differ and how, by accessing the subconscious, we can unlock subconscious blockers which will enable you to go ahead in your life without them standing in your way. 


..... The "Quit Your Habits or Addictions & Get Your Life Back" package will start with an in depth consultation to establish where you are now as a baseline, and what would be a successful outcome of where you want to be.  You will also get some tips for immediate use to better manage anxiety/stress.


..... Each session would be 60 minutes and this would include a feedback from you on how things have been and would include a hypnotherapy session tailored to your needs according to your progress.


..... Initially we would look to build your resources to enable you to be well equipped to engage in the therapeutic work, and then undertake targeted work using a range of therapeutic tools to assist you to alter distorted though patterns, challenge your perspectives and re-establish new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.


The powerful feeling of having gained control of your life again and mastered control over anxiety and the physical symptoms it can create will leave you feeling like a different person able to conquer the world.


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T:  01604 863093

M: 07958 292786

Clinics available at:

Rockvale, Ashton Road, Roade, Northampton. NN7 2LQ


Grafton Spa, Wakefield Country Courtyard, 5 Wakefield Lodge Estate,

Potterspury, Towcester, NN12 7QX.

© 2018 River Rock Therapy Solutions.

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