Q What was your situation like before we started working together?
A I was fed up of Yo-Yo dieting, the starve/binge cycle, and with my weight and food
ruling my life.
Q What reservation (if any) did you have about working with me?
A I was not sure about any kind of Hypnotherapy treatment or if I would be any "good" at
it, so I felt a bit anxious I suppose.
Q What has the process of working with me been like?
A Working with you has been great, you make me feel relaxed and as if I can achieve the
result I want...A life that isn't ruled by food.
Q What is the one best result you have got from working with me?
A I don't binge eat anymore, I'm less hard on myself, if I eat something I shouldn't have
then it's not the end of the world, I don't to give up and eat the entire contents of the
fridge. I can have food in the house and not feel I have to eat it. I've had chocolates in
the car for weeks and they are still there, I don't even think about them, they are like
my control test :). If I'm not hungry I don't eat, that is the most amazing miracle, I
have stopped treating my body like a rubbish bin!!
— Jan, who came with wanting to lose weight and improve a poor relationship with food.